COMP 440: Database Design

Getting Help

  • Mahdi's email address: mahdi dot ebrahimi at csun dot edu
  • Mahdi's office hours:
    • Monday/Wednesday: 11:15AM - 12:15PM via Zoom (by appointment)

Weekly Course Materials

Week Topic Course Materials Note
1-1 Course Overview [syllabus]
1-2 Introduction to Database [slides]
[video1] , [video2] , [video3]
Chapter 1
2-1 Introduction to SQL - Part 1 [slides]
[video1] , [video2] , [video3]
Chapter 3
Reference Book Database
2-2 Introduction to SQL - Part 2 [Slides from previous week used]
[video1] , [video2] , [video3] , [video4] , [video5] , [video6]
Chapter 3
3 SQL Practice - Part 1
4 Intermediate SQL [slides]
[video1] , [video2] , [video3] , [video4] , [video5]
Chapter 4
5 Advanced SQL [slides]
[video1] , [video2] , [video3] , [video4] , [video5] , [video6]
Chapter 5

Project Team Members

Team numberTeam memberDemo Date
#1 1.Andres Cruz, 2.Daniel Schwartz, 3.Aigerim Toleukhanova TBD
#2 1.Gregory Calderon, 2.Martin Gallegos Cordero, 3.Mohammed Hussain TBD
#3 1.Miguel Hernandez, 2.Isaac Pack, 3.Nora Qizi TBD
#4 1.Lyle Arias, 2.Knowledge Harris, 3.Seng Dien TBD
#5 1.Steven Tran, 2.Jaime Soto, 3.Christopher Morales TBD
#6 1.Evan Lerman, 2.Mauricio Gonzalez, 3.Pedro Reis TBD