Final Review Questions (with Answers)

There will be ONLY one online exam including both lectures and labs on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 9:00 AM. This is a online exam via Canvas/Zoom.


The final exam covers topics after the lab 3 and is NOT comprehensive.

Overall, the final exam may include material from the following sources:

I will not ask any questions which were not somehow covered by one of the above three sources.


  1. What is wrong with the following code, if anything?
      .equ Exit, 0x11
      .equ Open, 0x66
      .equ Close, 0x68
      .equ Read_Int, 0x6C
      .asciz "myFile.txt"
      .global _start
      ;; open the file
      ldr r0, =filename
      mov r1, #0
      swi Open
      ;; read an integer from it
      swi Read_Int
      ;; close the file
      swi Close
      ;; exit the program
      swi Exit
    swi Read_Int will overwrite r0 with the integer read in.  
    r0 contains the filehandle to the file.
    As such, the subsequent Close won't use the filehandle from open, but will instead
    treat whatever integer that was read in as a filehandle.
  2. What is wrong with the following code, if anything?
      .equ Write_Int, 0x6B
      .global _start
      ;; print out 42
      mov r0, #1
      mov r1, #42
      swi Write_Int
    Fails to exit the program, and missing .end
  3. Write ARM assembly code which will read two integers from the file myFile.txt and print them out.
      .equ Print_Chr, 0x00
      .equ Exit, 0x11
      .equ Open, 0x66
      .equ Close, 0x68
      .equ Write_Int, 0x6B
      .equ Read_Int, 0x6C
      .asciz "myFile.txt"
      .global _start
      ;; r0, r1: temporaries for SWI instructions
      ;; r2: filehandle
      ;; open the file
      ldr r0, =filename
      mov r1, #0
      swi Open
      mov r2, r0
      ;; read the first integer
      ;; filehandle initially is already in r0
      swi Read_Int
      ;; print out the first integer
      mov r1, r0 ; move integer into place
      mov r0, #1
      swi Write_Int
      ;; print out a newline
      mov r0, #'\n
      swi Print_Chr
      ;; read the second integer
      mov r0, r2
      swi Read_Int
      ;; print out the second integer
      mov r1, r0 ; move integer into place
      mov r0, #1
      swi Write_Int
      ;; close the file
      mov r0, r2
      swi Close
      ;; exit the program
      swi Exit
  4. Consider the following code, which sets up a .data section:

      .asciz "Hi"
      .word 1, 2
      .asciz "Bye"

    Assuming the .data section starts at address 0, how does this look in memory? Use the following table as a template.

    Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Value 'H' 'i' '\0' 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 'B' 'y' 'e' '\0' ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
    Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  5. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly.

    if (r0 >= 5) {
      r1 = r6;
    } else {
      r2 = r7;
    ;; many different solutions are possible; this is just one
    ; r0 >= 5, AKA
    ; !(r0 < 5)
    cmp r0, #5
    movpl r1, r6
    movmi r2, r7
  6. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. Use branch intructions instead of conditional execution. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly.

    if (r5 < r6) {
      r2 = r3;  
    } else if (r5 == r6) {
      r3 = r4;	 
    } else {
      r4 = r5; 
      .equ SWI_Print_String, 0x02
      .equ SWI_Exit, 0x11
      .asciz "Less"
      .asciz "Equal"
      .asciz "Greater"
      .global _start
      cmp r5, r6
      bmi less_branch
      beq equal_branch
      ;; fallthrough to else
      mov r4, r5
      ldr r0, =greater_string
      swi SWI_Print_String
      b program_exit
      mov r2, r3
      ldr r0, =less_string
      swi SWI_Print_String
      b program_exit
      mov r3, r4
      ldr r0, =equal_string
      swi SWI_Print_String
      swi SWI_Exit
  7. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly.

    for (int r2 = r1; r2 <= 150; r2 += 4) {
      int r3 = (r2 - 1) * (r2 + 1);
      .equ Write_Int, 0x6B
      .equ Print_Char, 0x00
      .equ Exit, 0x11
      mov r2, r1 		; r2 = r1
      ;; r2 <= 150 AKA
      ;; !(r2 > 150) AKA
      ;; !(150 < r2)
      ;; r4 isn't used above, so I'm using it as a temp
      mov r4, #150
      cmp r4, r2
      bmi loop_end
      ;; r4 = r2 - 1
      sub r4, r2, #1
      ;; r5 isn't used above, so I'm using it as a temp
      ;; r5 = r2 + 1
      add r5, r2, #1
      mul r3, r4, r5
      ;; print out the integer
      mov r1, r3
      mov r0, #1
      swi Write_Int
      ;; print out a newline
      mov r0, #'\n
      swi Print_Char
      add r2, r2, #4
      b loop
      swi Exit
  8. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly. Non-register variable names indicate a value that should be stored in memory.

    int[] myArray = new int[]{19, 21, -5, 4};          
    int r2 = 0;
    int r3 = 0;
    do {
      r2 += myArray[r3];
    } while (r3 < 4);
      .equ Exit, 0x11
      .equ Write_Int, 0x6B
      .word 19, 21, -5, 4
      .global _start
      mov r2, #0
      mov r3, #0
      ;; r4: myArray
      ldr r4, =myArray
      ;; r5: temp
      ldr r5, [r4, r3, LSL #2]
      add r2, r2, r5
      add r3, r3, #1
      cmp r3, #4
      bmi loop
      mov r0, #1
      mov r1, r2
      swi Write_Int
      swi Exit
  9. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly. Non-register variable names indicate a value that should be stored in memory.

    int myArray[4] = {19, 21, -5, 4};
    int* r2 = myArray;
    int r3 = 4;
    int r4 = 0;
    do {
      r4 += *r2;
    } while (r3 != 0);
      .equ Exit, 0x11
      .equ Write_Int, 0x6B
      .word 19, 21, -5, 4
      .global _start
      ldr r2, =myArray
      mov r3, #4
      mov r4, #0
      ;; using r5 as a temp
      ldr r5, [r2]
      add r4, r4, r5
      add r2, r2, #4
      sub r3, r3, #1
      cmp r3, #0
      bne loop
      mov r0, #1
      mov r1, r4
      swi Write_Int
      swi Exit
  10. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly.

    if (r2 < r3 && r3 < r4) {
      r5 = r6;
    } else {
      r6 = r5;
      cmp r2, r3
      bpl else_branch 	; if !(r2 < r3)
      cmp r3, r4
      bpl else_branch 	; if !(r3 < r4)
      ;; fallthrough to true
      mov r5, r6
      b after_if
      mov r6, r5
  11. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly.

    if (r2 < r3 || r3 < r4) {
      r5 = r6;
    } else {
      r6 = r5;
      cmp r2, r3
      bmi true_branch
      cmp r3, r4
      bmi true_branch
      ;; fallthrough to false
      mov r6, r5
      b after_if
    	mov r5, r6
  12. Convert the following Java/C-like code into ARM assembly. The names of the variables reflect which registers must be used for the ARM assembly. Non-register variable names indicate a value that should be stored in memory.

    int[] first = new int[]{0, 5, 27, 98};
    int[] second = new int[]{1, 2, 8, 29, 42};
    int[] result = new int[9];
    int r0 = 0;
    int r1 = 0;
    while (r0 < 4) {
      result[r0] = first[r0];
    while (r1 < 5) {
      result[r0] = second[r1];
    for (r2 = 0; r2 < 9; r2++) {
      .equ SWI_Print_Int, 0x6B
      .equ SWI_Exit, 0x11
      .equ SWI_Print_Char, 0x00
      .word 0, 5, 27, 98
      .word 4
      .word 1, 2, 8, 29, 42
      .word 5
      .word -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1
      .word 9
      .global _start
      ;; r0: from psuedocode
      ;; r1: from pseudocode
      ;; r2: length of first
      ;; r3: length of second
      ;; r4: first base address
      ;; r5: second base address
      ;; r6: result base address
      mov r0, #0
      mov r1, #0
      ldr r2, =first_length
      ldr r2, [r2]
      ldr r3, =second_length
      ldr r3, [r3]
      ldr r4, =first
      ldr r5, =second
      ldr r6, =result
      cmp r0, r2
      bpl end_first_while
      ;; r7: first[r0]
      ldr r7, [r4, r0, LSL #2]
      str r7, [r6, r0, LSL #2]
      add r0, r0, #1
      b begin_first_while
      cmp r1, r3
      bpl end_second_while
      ;; r7: second[r1]
      ldr r7, [r5, r1, LSL #2]
      str r7, [r6, r0, LSL #2]
      add r0, r0, #1
      add r1, r1, #1
      b begin_second_while
      ;; r7: length of result
      mov r2, #0
      ldr r7, =result_length
      ldr r7, [r7]
      cmp r2, r7
      bpl end_for
      mov r0, #1
      ldr r1, [r6, r2, LSL #2]
      swi SWI_Print_Int
      mov r0, #'\n
      swi SWI_Print_Char
      add r2, r2, #1
      b begin_for
      swi SWI_Exit
  13. What component is shown below?
    An OR gate.
  14. What component is shown below?
    An AND gate.
  15. What component is shown below?
    A NOT gate.
  16. Draw the circuit corresponding to the following sum-of-products equation, where !A refers to the negation of variable A, and so on:
    R = !A!B + AB
  17. Consider the following sum-of-products equation:
    R = !ABC + ABC + A!B!C

    Using the above equation, do the following:

  18. Consider the truth table augmented with don't cares, shown below:

    A B C D U

    Using the above truth table, write out the following:

    1. The unoptimized sum-of-products equation, skipping over don't cares
                    U = !A!B!C!D + !A!BCD + !AB!CD + A!B!C!D + AB!C!D
    2. A Karnaugh map, along with boxes which exploit don't cares where appropriate.

    3. An optimized sum-of-products equation, derived from the Karnaugh map created in the previous step.
                    U = !C!D + !AD